Hello CheckMates members,
In the past weeks, due to this new remote work requirements, I have been doing otimizations and fine tunning in many VPN gateways, this time with much more demanding scenarios.
While performing such configurations, I've noticed some questions / constraints:
- How to specify that a given group (ex: LDAP group) is tied to a specific authentication method ? If we are talking about the same domain (LDAP Account Unit) there seem to be no means for that.
- For the case where several gateways are managed by the same management (most of the cases) it should be possible to have more than one Remote Access community, for several reasons....
- Mobile Access (Unified vs Legacy)
Previously on Legacy Mobile Access, only users posing on at least one MAB Access rule were allowed to authenticate to the portal. Now, with Unified Mobile Access, users must belong to remote access community in order to authenticate properly.
This brings a limitiation where I can no longer differentiate who can authenticate on the Mobile Acess Portal from who can authenticate using remote access clients. I have to rely on access rules to permit or forbid access to resources, but in what concerns authentication process it didn't improved from legacy to unified...
I think this constraints are affecting many people and therefore it should be improved, don't you think ?