We have problem to implement au DNS suffix search list in SNX connexion with Mobile Access.
1) We have configured DNS suffixes in our cluster, Mobile Access - Name Resolution

Our first problem is the format. By consulting the help of this page (by clicking ?), there is this line :
"DNS suffixes can be one or more comma separated items, e.g. example.com, example.org".
But in this SK (https://supportcenter.checkpoint.com/supportcenter/portal?eventSubmit_doGoviewsolutiondetails=&solut... ), the seperator is not a comma but a semicolon !
What is the right syntax ? comma ou semicolon ?
2) We have tried with the 2 parameters but, running "ipconfig /all", instead of have a DNS suffix per line, we have a first line with our "default" domain, and a second one with example1.com;example2.com;example3.com.
So the DNS resolution only work with the default domain...
Anybody can help us ?
Best regards.