Hello Everyone,
So i Need a litle help, i am setting up a SCV for Endpoint when they connect to VPN.
One of the things i need is for the SCV check for WindowsSecurityMonitor : VirusProtection, WindowsUpgrade, SpywareProtection and NetworkFirewall.
The things is when i connect with the Firewall disabled it continues to say that i am compliant with the Site. On the other end VirusProtection Works Fine.
This is the Configuration i am using.
: (WindowsSecurityMonitor
:type (plugin)
:parameters (
:VirusProtectionRequired (true)
:VirusProtectionRequiredMismatchMessage ("Please verify that your virus protection is up to date and virus scanning is on.")
:VirusProtectionInstalledPrograms ("any")
:VirusProtectionInstalledProgramsMismatchMessage ("There is no anti-virus program installed on the machine.")
:WindowsUpdateRequired (true)
:WindowsUpdateRequiredMismatchMessage ("Please make sure that windows automatic updates is turned on")
:SpywareProtectionRequired (true)
:SpywareProtectionRequiredMismatchMessage ("Please verify that your spyware protection is turned on.")
:SpywareProtectionInstalledPrograms ("any")
:SpywareProtectionInstalledProgramsMismatchMessage ("There is no anti-spyware program installed on the machine.")
:NetworkFirewallRequired (true)
:NetworkFirewallRequiredMismatchMessage ("Please verify the your network firewall is turned on.")
:NetworkFirewallInstalledPrograms ("any")
:NetworkFirewallInstalledProgramsMismatchMessage ("There is no network firewall program installed on the machine.").

Does anyone have any clue why this is happening? Is there any proccess i should monitor?
Best Regards,
Pedro Filipe