Hi All,
This is about Creating CSR and importing third party certificate to gateway for Mobile Access Blade. We have already SK69660 but adding snapshot for better idea.
First generate Request to generate certificate (CSR) with below command.
cpopenssl req -new -out <CERT.CSR> -keyout <KEYFILE.KEY> -config $CPDIR/conf/openssl.cnf

Then you can send this *.csr file to third party so that they can create certificate for you.

Third party will give you combined certificate where 3 certificates (Primary SSL, Intermediate & Root) will resides or separate certificates. If you receive separate certificates then you need to combine all certificates in Text Editor as suggested in sk69660. Please make combined file in *.crt format.
Now the final stage is to import certificate in Firewall but before that we need to convert this certificate ext from *.crt to *.P12 You need to use below command for conversion.
cpopenssl pkcs12 -export -out <New file name as P12> -in <Your combined certificate> -inkey <Private key which is generated during CSR>
Now this *.P12 file you need to import in Gateway --> Properties --> Mobile Access --> Portal Setting --> Import the file.
Save & Push policy.
Now when you connect sslvpn (https://Gateway_IP/sslvpn), you will not get any certificate error and you can see certificate that is provided by third party.