Hi All,
A new Ongoing Jumbo Hotfix Accumulator take for R81.10 (take 79) was released today, and is available for download. Please refer to Jumbo documentation ( R81.10)
Please note the following:
o Available to download the via Jumbo documentation ( R81.10)
o Available for download via CPUSE by using package identifier.
o Can be provided by customer support
Content included in this take:
- Starting from Take 79, we are introducing Skyline - a new solution to monitor your Check Point assets quickly and effectively, using the industry-standard software and protocols (OpenTelemetry, Prometheus, and Grafana).
For more information, see sk178566 and these Check Mates posts:
- List of resolved issue in this take can be found in the Jumbo documentation ( R81.10)
New: Starting from R80.40, Central Deployment allows you to perform a batch deployment of Hotfixes on your Security Gateways and clusters from SmartConsole!!
For more information, see sk168597.
Release Operations Group