I wonder if anyone can correct my confusion and annoyance with the way TAC often reply to SR's? Maybe I'm missing something?
I frequently get updates on SR's that come in the form of a "New Chatter post for SR #6-xxxxxxx"
These are sent from a Do Not Reply address. Useful 👍
They also contain a "link to case" at the bottom, which takes you to Salesforce, which us mere mortals can't log in to. Useful 👍
So in order to write a quick reply to a case, I can't just hit reply to the email... Instead I have to log into the website and reply from there. First world problems, I know.... but it's a really inconvenient pain in the rear end.
Why do CP send case updates in this way? Why not ditch this "chatter" feature and always send case updates from an email we can hit Reply to?