So this is kind of strange. Part of the svnUpdatesInfo tree doesn't populate until you walk the entire tree when snmpd first starts.
#snmpd auto restarts btw
[Expert@MDS1:0]# pkill snmpd
[Expert@MDS1:0]# snmpwalk -v2c -c public svnUpdatesInfo.10.1.5
CHECKPOINT-MIB::svnUpdatesInfo.10.1.5 = No Such Instance currently exists at this OID
[Expert@MDS1:0]# snmpwalk -v2c -c public svnUpdatesInfo.10.1.5
CHECKPOINT-MIB::svnUpdatesInfo.10.1.5 = No Such Instance currently exists at this OID
[Expert@MDS1:0]# snmpwalk -v2c -c public svnUpdatesInfo.10.1.5
CHECKPOINT-MIB::svnUpdatesInfo.10.1.5 = No Such Instance currently exists at this OID
# output is just throwing away the full table walk output to show now 10.1.5 now works.
[Expert@MDS1:0]# snmpwalk -v2c -c public svnUpdatesInfo > /dev/null
[Expert@MDS1:0]# snmpwalk -v2c -c public svnUpdatesInfo.10.1.5
CHECKPOINT-MIB::svnUpdatesInfo. = STRING: "Installed"
CHECKPOINT-MIB::svnUpdatesInfo. = STRING: "Installed"
CHECKPOINT-MIB::svnUpdatesInfo. = STRING: "Available for Download"
CHECKPOINT-MIB::svnUpdatesInfo. = STRING: "Available for Download"
if I now kill snmpd walking anything from svnUpdatesInfo.10.1.5 breaks again until i walk svnUpdatesInfo