Hi! Now I'm trying to do the installation: User - OWA Web Applications (Check Point Mobile Access Portal) - AD FS - Active Directory. I log into the checkpoint portal at next I select the owa4 application next, I select the owa4 application. I thought that authorization on OWA would go in the same way as on the internal network. When I connect directly to
https://win19-exch.lmihal.ad/owa I'm transferred to https://adfs.lmihal.ad/adfs/ls /?wa=wsignin1.0&wtrealm=https%3a%2f%2fwin19-exch.lmihal.ad%2fowa%2f&wctx=rm%3d0%26id%3dpassive%26ru%3d%252fowa%252f&wct=2024-11-11T09%3a58% 3a22Z
after entering my mail/password, I successfully get into OWA. This does not happen with the web application in the Check Point Mobile Access Portal. I get an error:
X-OWA-Error SrvErr:null,ClientErr:JsonParser is not defined,ValidResponse:true,SDIsNotNull:true,BracketsInPair:true,OwaUserConfigExists:true,SubStringFromLastLeftBracket:{"Id":"AAQkADg4NzRkZDVkLWMxYTAtNGE4NS05Y2ViLTJkZmNjYzRlNDY1YgAQAHoZp5LRm6tJqnYf2W0VbFQ="},"LastDeliveryOrRenewTime":"2024-06-05T15:50:58+03:00"}],"IndexedOffset":25,"TotalConversationsInView":33}}
I'm attaching a video of the error, the scheme and the web-bowser log file as an attachment to the case.