Hi Checkmates,
Has anyone successfully performed an MDS migration and also changed the ip addess of MDS?
if so do you knows how to import the mdss.json file for changing the ip address of a Multi-Domain Servers to be imported into R80.40
reading the checkpoint documentation, the following parameter should be used to change the ip addess
./migrate_server import -v R80.40 -skip_upgrade_tools_check -change_ips_file /var/log/mdss.json /<Full Path>/Primary_<Name of Exported File>.tgz
however when this parameter is entered the following appears
The flag '-change_ips_file' is obsolete. Create the required file /var/log/mdss.json with the new IP address(es) and run the import again.
the question is how do we proceed to change the ip addess before importing the database, is there a workaround?