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static routing in vsx vsls solution using CLI

Hi guys,

Newbie here! 

I have a quick question about cli configuration in a vsls solution, is it not possible to add static routes via cli or am I just missing something. I've seen that I can do dynamic routing when I go into a specific context but can’t find anyting else than "static-mroute"

btw, I have tested vsx_provisioning_tool and it works great, but I was kind of confused as it is possible to configure bgp via CLI.  

Anyways, I will also test bgp and would be really grateful to hear from anyone who has experience in running bgp in checkpoint.


thx 😊







4 Replies


The static routes for VSX and VS is stored in the management server database, therefor you need to use vsx_provisioning_tool to update the object on the management server and then push the configuration to your VS on VSX.

Even though it is with some tricks possible to set static routes using gaila clish on a vs context, that is not a supported approach.

vsx_provisioning_tool is the tool you need to use to set static routes in a VS using CLI
0 Kudos

Hi Jim,


thanks for quick reply, now I understand why this is. vsx_provisioning_tool works just fine, so I won’t be trying any unsupported approaches 

a question about that, in a multi domain solution, it is that specific dms (which holds the vs I want to configure with provisioning_tool) that I shouldn’t be connected to in a RW mode right? Other dms’s in same mds solutions should be ok to work with?


thx 😊

0 Kudos


I assume we are talking about R80.x, for R80 we are using an object based locking mechanism. Which means that you can have concurrent users making changes in the same Domain / Domain Management Server (DMS) and at the same time have vsx_provisioning_tool making changes to a VS in that domain.

The only time vsx_provissioning_tool will be blocked from making changes is when someone is already editing the specific VS object in the domain causing it to be lock that object for changes by other admins.
0 Kudos

Yes it is r80.x. thank you again, that actually makes sense 😊


må solen skina på dig  🌞🌞

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