Hello Guys
Last weekend, the root partition of the secondary management server became full, interrupting the normal functions of the SMS. I couldn't find anything relevant using sk114879, sk60316, sk92664, sk60080, sk91060
Finally I decided to expand the disk space from 64Gb to 100GB (sk95566) and we recovered the services
At this moment 68GB of the "root" partition is used but, primary SMS server is using only 32GB of its "root" partition
After a remote session with TAC we found a lot of "rules-*" files (7486 files taking about 46GB) in $FWDIR/conf/ but TAC engineer told me that it's better not to touch anything on that directory
Do you know what are these "rules-*" files used for?
Is there a way we can delete them without affecting the SMS?
Best regards