I made some further investigations, because I had the same problem with R80.10 bootup on a VMware ESXi. 
Now I made several installations on my ESXi Server (v6.5) (with ISO file, and with OVF Templates).
I found out, that if I install the vm container in compatibility mode 6.x (vm-version greater than 10) I have this problem as shown in the picture.
If I install or configure the vm container in compatibility mode 5.x (vm-version 10 and lower) I have no problem, and the checkpoint boots up and works perfectly.
For everyone who runs a checkpoint on a ESXi Server 6.x don´t change the compatibility mode of the vm container to 6.x. because this will bring up this problem at bootup of the system.
If the checkpoint boots up with this failure, you have no possibility to boot up in a maintenance mode, and the boot up procedure lasts longer.