Edit 7/15/2019: Packets arriving at the firewall that are fragmented can potentially be accelerated starting in gateway version R80.20.
Fragments are not the end of the world but should be investigated because they cannot be accelerated at all by SecureXL, here is a excerpt from my book discussing them:
If you suspect fragmentation is occurring, we can confirm this from the firewall using
various tools. There is very little you can do about fragmented packets arriving from the
Internet (unless your organization’s own Internet perimeter router is the one doing the
fragmenting), but you should try to avoid this situation on any networks under your
administrative control. To figure out how many fragments the firewall is receiving, run
these commands:
fw ctl pstat and fwaccel stats -p
If the fragment numbers seem high, run this tcpdump command to see all fragmented
packets and figure out where they are coming from:
tcpdump -eni any '((ip[6:2] > 0) and (not ip[6] = 64))'
Any traffic appearing in this output is fragmented; notice that the -e option will also
show you the source MAC address of the entity that sent the fragmented packet to the
firewall, in order to help you trace the fragmented packet back to its origin. The only
way to correct this situation is to ensure a consistent MTU value is in use throughout
your internal and DMZ networks. In the real world when a large amount of internal
traffic is improperly fragmented, it is usually due a misconfigured MTU on a router
somewhere. I’ve seen correcting an internal MTU issue such as this make a huge
difference in firewall performance.
Second Edition of my "Max Power" Firewall Book
Now Available at http://www.maxpowerfirewalls.com
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