Well, third day deep diving into Mobile Access blade on R80.10 and here are the findings so far:
1. Mobile Portal does not work as intended. From Windows 10:
a. no native applications could be launched as SNX does not work using either Active-X or Java (at least on Windows 10 Pro).
b. no custom web applications appear in the portal as well, regardless of where they were defined in.

2. Multiple notification errors during policy installation or failure to install policy:
a. When GW rules are removed from the Mobile tab in SmartDashboard, still seeing:

b. When mobile blade is removed from the gateway and the rule referring to it adjusted by replacing the gateway with "Installation Targets", still seeing this:

3. Mobile blade FTW, displays "Check Point Mobile for Windows" as one of the options for Desktop Clients, while Capsule VPN is only associated with "Mobile Devices":

Endless re-naming of and re-purposing the names for different types of clients is mind boggling.
Any suggestions on how to make SSL VPN accessible, manageable and the portal to work as intended, regardless the version of the OS, browser etc.., preferably notifying users about any incompatibility issues and describing workarounds interactively?