I am trying to upgrade our R77.30 management server to R80.10 using CPUSE.
The OS upgrades fine and then when importing the database, it fails with "Failed during import process".
I have tired this fix sk118795 but still no help.
I have attached the log file which was generated after the update failure.
In the log file I can see the following error:
[2018-02-22 - 18:23:37][3703 4157531920]:cannot find migrate log path.
[2018-02-22 - 19:18:34][3703 4157531920]:Failed on importing management configuration database to Destination
[2018-02-22 - 19:18:34][3703 4157531920]:------ Reverting Back: ------
Can someone help please. ![failed during import process](/legacyfs/online/checkpoint/63296_Capture2.PNG)