Hi Alejandro,
Thanks for your response. Yes you right, in the UTM-1 with R70 environment, we using standalone. And when we deploy to the new firewall, we using 2 5600-NGTP appliances, and NGSM-410 for management. We will build cluster HA in the new firewall.
From the existing R70, I already have R70 upgrade export file. But I don't know what to do with this upgrade export file, for upgrade or migrate to the new firewall.
Maybe you have guide or step by step what I have to do, to make the upgrade export file from R70 can be import or running in the R80.10.
If that is not possible to upgrade import the R70 to the R80.10, maybe you can guide me also to upgrade import the R70 file to the R77.30 first, and then to the R80.10
Ary Kustirin