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Update of SmartConsole

I'm working since a lot of years with CheckPoint and I'm using SmartConsole every day. I'm fairly surprised everytime I can see this small green "Install Update". It has been a couple of years to get this small enhancement, but makes the daily work a little bit smarter 😁

Screenshot 2022-05-09 070007.png

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It keeps the older versions locally though, I noticed this because I pin the Smart Console in my W11 taskbar which is linked to the application at the moment it's pinned.

Every time I would start it this way I would get the prompt for upgrade. So in the long run it can make the Smart Console folder quite big, especially if you're running multiple versions like R81 & R81.10 and pile up versions. An option to uninstall the previous version would be an additional nice touch.


Indeed when you look at the file system, you'll see more than one SmartConsole build. When doing the auto-update, we save one historical build, but delete earlier ones. There should not be more than 2 builds on your disk.

This has two main benefits:

1) You can keep working with the existing build while the auto-update is happening, and choose when you want to relaunch. We don't override the current build's files.

2) In case of crisis (unexpected critical bug), you can manually run SmartConsole of the previous build and you are not stuck.

Note that the PROGRAM directory is a link to the latest build. If you create shortcuts, you should use that path and it should avoid issues with running the wrong build.

UPDATE: It looks like Windows application pinning takes the path from the running executable and not the link that ran it. It's not ideal, but you can modify the pinned shortcut and put "PROGRAM" instead of the build directory and that will make sure the pinned application uses the latest build directory.


@Wolfgang wrote:

... but makes the daily work a little bit smarter 😁


In theory yes,

In real life without having admin privileges on client station it is only annoying.

Dealing with a MDS, you get this message for every single domain and with every login.


There seems to be a workaround to disable this feature.

However, you need to have admin privilege level to disable this feature.







It can work w/o admin privileges.

Use this powershell script to trigger it in R81.20 (change the version number for other versions)

Don't forget to save as ps1 file

# Set variables to indicate value and key to set
$RegistryPath = 'HKCU:\Software\CheckPoint\ClientUpdate\SmartConsole R81.20'
$Name         = 'AutomaticUpdateEnabled'
$Value        = '0'
# Create the key if it does not exist
If (-NOT (Test-Path $RegistryPath)) {
  New-Item -Path $RegistryPath -Force | Out-Null
# Now set the value
New-ItemProperty -Path $RegistryPath -Name $Name -Value $Value -PropertyType DWORD -Force

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