Hey bro,
Sorry, I keep calling you bro, since you never told me your first name : - ). Anyway, sorry for delayed response, went with my colleague to get coffee and donuts, that was our breakfast lol.
I attached a word doc with some screenshots that should give you a good idea how I set this up in the lab. Below are blades I have enabled on the firewall at the moment
[Expert@quantum-firewall:0]# enabled_blades
fw vpn cvpn urlf appi ips identityServer SSL_INSPECT mon
So, essentially, its exactly what I mentioned to you yesterday. Idea is this...you HAVE TO make sure that traffic is allowed on all ordered layers, otherwise, it will get dropped. So, if you see in example I gave, I have 5 ordered layers (with inline layers inside of them as well) and say IF last rule in final_allow_layer said any any drop, INSTEAD of any any allow (like it does), ALL TRAFFIC would get dropped, reardless of rules before it, since very last one would be any any drop.
So, best way to do this is as follows...make sure that on network layer, you allow and drop as needed with any any drop at the bottom (IMPLICIT clean up rule) and then if you have more ordered layers, you can allow traffic through them as well. For app/urlf layer, I would do how we do it for most customers. Block what has to be blocked, but then allow at the very last rule.
Example...so since I have https inspection enabled in the lab, I allow access to the Internet on my windows 10 PC behind lab fw, BUT, as you can see, I block access to gambling and few other categories. If anything has to be bypassed, if you use inspection, I would simply do so in https inspection policy. I know there were some posts on here saying that for best practise for https policy, you should use any any bypass, but I always found that bypassing rules first and then inspect at the bottom (default), works the best.
Hope it helps you.
If anything is unclear, please let me know.