There's a process to follow with the TAC to better understand false positives with Anti-Spam.
Refer to the following sk: How to submit a False Positive case for Anti-Spam protections
It'd also be useful to get some of the impacted emails as well.
Generally speaking neither Postfix with Threat Emulation or Anti-Spam should modify the general SMTP headers (confirmed with R&D).
One exception to this is X-Forwarded-For, which might be modified when Anti-Spam and the MTA interact.
It might also modify headers of specific attachments, but not the general SMTP ones.
Either way, we need to get more information.
Open a TAC case and gather the following recommended debugs.
Please send me the ticket number in a PM and I'll make sure R&D assists.
For gathering debugs while this issue reproduces:
· Enable AS & MTA debugs
fw_debug in.emaild.mta on TDERROR_ALL_ALL=5
fw_debug in.emaild.smtp on TDERROR_ALL_ALL=5
· Reproduce the issue
· Disable debugs
fw_debug in.emaild.mta off
fw_debug in.emaild.smtp off
· Provide the following files:
$FWDIR/log/emaild.mta.elg* files
$FWDIR/log/emaild.smtp.elg* files