We have two management servers, mgmt-1 and mgmt-2, both running on Gaia R81.10. mgmt-1 is active and mgmt-2 is standby. mgmt-1 has been configured to send out email alert when it think mgmt-2 is disconnected.
Recently we are receiving much more mgmt-2 disconnected alerts than before, but when we login to mgmt-2 it seems to be ok.
I don’t know how mgmt-1 detect the status of mgmt-2, maybe it is using ping or some other methods. We are investigating the root cause of the alerts.
My question is, while we are investigating, as a workaround is there a way to increase the probe interval from mgmt-1 to mgmt-2 to reduce the number of alerts as this is very annoying? But I don't want to just simply disable the function because mgmt-1 is also managing the security gateways. I just want mgmt-1 to send fewer mgmt-2 disconnected alerts.
Thank you!