Can anyone confirm this behavior:
While the scrolling behavior is really a little better in a large rule bases, there is a new bug:
If you use the where-used feature on an object and double click on a mached rule, it jumps to some position in the rule base which is far away from where it should jumb to.
On a rule base with about 1800 rules and about 250 section tiles:
Double click on a line in where-used dialog which says rule number 864 in Access Policy XYZ:
It jumps to Access Policy XYZ but to rule number 144 (after GUI is frozen for a few seconds).
Even worse, but I think this is related:
Actions->Go to rule
Enter rule number 864:
It jumps to rule 178.
Both bugs are NOT reproducable when all section titles are expanded.
But this makes Smart Console unusable slow.
This is a no-go for our daily operation team. Unless anyone knows a workaround, we have to go back to Build 042.