I continue to install Secondary Connect feature and faced with different issues, here is another one:
I've added third gateway Branch#2 to Remote Access community with R77, but it doesn't work (Secondary Connect works with the second gateway Branch#1)
made all settings identical to the secong gateway
- check VPN domains to prevent overlap
- renew certificates on cluster and on both appliances
- add Firewall rule to access to Branch#2 hosts
- chose the right interface for VPN connections (External ip address of the cluster)

I can see following errors in trac.log file of Endpoint Connect
[ 3496 3516][21 Nov 15:01:43][IKE] message: (msg_obj
:format (1.0)
:def_msg ("Access denied - wrong user name or password ")
:arguments ()
[ 3496 3516][21 Nov 15:01:43][rais] [DEBUG] [RaisMessages::CreateMessageSet(s)] message: (msg_obj
:format (1.0)
:id (ClipsMessagesGwNegFailed)
:def_msg ("Negotiation with site failed")
:arguments ()
[ 3496 3516][21 Nov 15:01:43][FLOW] TrConnEngineConnectStep::operation_failed: user message set: (msg_obj
:format (1.0)
:id (ClipsMessagesGwNegFailed)
:def_msg ("Negotiation with site failed")
:arguments (
The only differences between Branch gateways is:
1. version (branch#1 gateway with R77.30 works, branch#2 gateway with R70 doesn't)
2. management interfaces of branch#1 gateway connected directly (branch#1 gateway interface and management server located in the same /24 network via IPVPN) and management interfaces of branch#2 gateway connected via corporate network (located in different networks and connected via two routers)
Couls you help me with these questions:
Does Secondary Connect work with R77 version?
What mean error "Access denied - wrong user name or password"? What settings may mismatch in that case?