I had the problem today too. I was in, working with no problems, then suddenly the rules page went blank, and I got an error.
- SmartConsole rulebase would not load - I get "Could not load the selected policy" error.
- Logs would not open.
- Gaia WebUI refused connection
- #API status gave: API readiness test FAILED. The server is down and unable to receive connections!
- Reboot did not fix it
I found sk180382 No access to Gaia Portal on the Security Management Server (checkpoint.com).
Most of the symptoms matched (HTTPD seemed to be screwed and wouldn't reload). Except I did not get the "sic_cert.pem" error.
TAC directed me to sk179589 "Could not load selected policy" in SmartConsole (checkpoint.com)
I found that my /web/templates/httpd-ssl.conf.templ file was completely empty!
There was a .bac version, so I copied this back over the top of /web/templates/httpd-ssl.conf.templ.
HTTPD was still screwed (no reboot yet)
I rebooted....
Bingo - everything works perfectly again after the reboot.
So, try checking you /web/templates/httpd-ssl.conf.templ file and see if it's empty? That could be the problem. Restore from the backup file (or from another working machine) and reboot. Hopefully that'll fix the issue.