Just a few questions.
Does the traffic traverse the VIP or the actual IP for the secondary?
What does the traffic from the Manangement server look like?
fw monitor -e 'accept host(;'
Run that on both members.
See if it's hitting the VIP or the secondary at all.
Can you SSH from the MGMT server to the secondary firewall?
What does the routing look like?
ip route get x.x.x.x to the mgmt from FW1 and FW2 and do that from MGMT to both.
What does the Trace routes look like?
Are you Natting the MGMT behind the the cluster? If you aren't put in a non-nat rule and make sure you aren't.
If you are opening a ticket with the TAC get this information for them:
-Cpinfo of the GW's
-Cpinfo of the MGMT
-fw monitior and tpcdumps showing the communication between mgmt and the GW's
-CPD messages.