Hi @ED
1) Check the $FWDIR/conf/masters file on the gateway and resolve the IP of the object under log.
2) Start "tcpdump -i ethX port 257" on the gateway and check the traffic to the log server
3) On the Management Server run the following cli command "netstat -an | grep 257" and check that the port 257 is open.
4) Check the firewall ruels "sourece gateway to mangement server port 257"
5) Check NAT rules (no Nat between gateway and management).
6) Check the following on the gateway "cpstat fw -f log_connection"
7) Start "fw ctl zdebug drop | grep 257"on the gateway
8.) Start "tcpdump -i ethX port 257" on the managemet and check the traffic to the log server
9) If you see traffic on the management server and no log entrys -> restart the management server "cpstart/cpstop"
10) Set in the GAIA GUI the "management Interface" on the correct interface.
11) Check the disk space on the management server under "var/log/"
12) Check the process fwd with "top" or "ps -aux |grep fwd"
13) Check the fwd process with "cpwd_admin list"
14) Install the latest JHF.
If none of this helps, open a ticket at Check Point.
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