The CLI window in R80 SmartConsole GUI allows running Management API commands directly, without specifying the "mgmt_cli" prefix.
All the changes committed from this window, appear immediatelly in the GUI (Objects Pane or Security Policies view).
The CLI window supports the "auto-completion" feature by clicking on TAB key.
You can navigate back and forth between the typed commands by clicking on UP or DOWN arrow keys.
You can type the commands one by one, or load them from a text file.
Each command is considered to spread over a single line.
Each command line is limited to 2048 characters. If you exceed this limit, the execution is aborted.
The size of a text file is limited to 65536 characters.
Normally, the commands from a file are executed sequentially.
It is possible to execute the commands in parallel by prefixing them with a '&' character.
Please use this feature carefully, because sometimes the order does matter.
The commands executed from a CLI window count for the current working session.
Therefore, commands that change the status of a session cannot be executed: login, logout, discard, publish
For a full Management API reference, click the
button on the toolbar.