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Renewal the DefaultCert internal_ca - date "Not Valid After" didn't change



Today I had renew the Internal CA of my Checkpoint 5200 in vR80.10 using this process

After I had clicked on "renew" and "Install Policy" the certificate have change but not the "Not Valid After" date. This date will be expired in 2 weeks. The "Serial No" has change and the "Not Valid Before" date has been changed but with the day of yesterday, I don't understand why.


Here is the information of my product

Check Point Security Gateway | R80.10
Kernel: 2.6.18-92cpx86_64
Edition: 64-bit
Build Number: 462


Before the change I had those information

Not Valid Before: Wed Apr 15 12:54:06 2020 Local Time
Not Valid After: Sun Jul 24 15:04:16 2022 Local Time
Serial No.: 14942

After the operation, the "Not Valid Before" and "Build Number" have changed but not the "Not Valid After"

Not Valid Before: Tue Jul 5 12:36:58 2022 Local Time
Not Valid After: Sun Jul 24 15:04:16 2022 Local Time
Serial No.: 95282


Could you help me on this issue please ?



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16 Replies

From reading your posts, it sounds like you tried to renew a certificate issued by the Check Point Management Internal CA (e.g for a gateway), not the CA certificate itself. Your wording during your post is mixing these two topics.

But regarding your question: I think the Check Point Management Internal CA itself is about to expire. A CA cannot issue a certificate which lasts longer than its own end date. So please check the validity of the certificate of the CA itself.

If I'm right: For how to extend the validity of the internal CA itself, please see sk158096.




As you said, the problem concern the ICA, This command show the Internal Certificate Authority certificate validity date which is 20 years by default.

# cpopenssl pkcs12 -in $FWDIR/conf/InternalCA.p12 -nokeys -nomacver -passin pass: 2>/dev/null | cpopenssl x509 -noout -enddate
notAfter=Jul 24 13:04:16 2022 GMT


My next step is to upgrade to R80.10 Jumbo HF take 290
I must install on Management Servers and Security Gateways before proceed with the renewal procedure of the ICA and then to the CA.

Thank you for your previous message and your link.
I will update the ticket with my procedure after all my actions.

0 Kudos

make sure to not let it expire or you're in trouble 🙂


Why not just renew it from smart console instead? What does validity show there?

0 Kudos

because you can only renew the mgmt certificate via the console and not the root certificate, that one (root CA) requires a script from TAC

0 Kudos

I thought he meant below one, sorry


0 Kudos


@the_rockThis one was the one that I've renewed and when I renew it, the date for "Not Valid After: " didn't change.
And the root cause of that is because the root CA will be not valid after Sun Jul 24, it can not be more than the date of the rootca


FYI the script I received from TAC has the following note:


1. All of the Gateways and Management servers in the environment are above the following Jumbo Hotfixes takes:

R80.40 Jumbo HF take 69

R80.30 Jumbo HF take 163

Fixed version for Security Management High-availability:

R80.40 Jumbo HF take 114

R80.30 Jumbo HF take 235

0 Kudos

For me it's R80.10 Jumbo HF take 290, I will have to do an upgrade before use the script.
The operation is scheduled for tomorrow noon.

0 Kudos


I'm in a trouble.Via GAIAwebUI or CLISH


With GAIA i've this popup:
Import of package DeploymentAgent_000002205_1.tgz Failed
Error occurred while trying to read hf.config file



In CLI I've this message:

MGFWC01> installer import local /home/DeploymentAgent_000002205_1.tgz
Preparing package for import. This operation might take a few moments
Note: The selected package will be copied into CPUSE repository
Info: Initiating import of DeploymentAgent_000002205_1.tgz...
Interactive mode is enabled. Press CTRL + C to exit (this will not stop the operation)
Result: Import of package DeploymentAgent_000002205_1.tgz Failed
Error occurred while trying to read hf.config file.



Without upgrading CPUSE I can not upgrade the Jumbo Package.
Import of package Check_Point_R80_10_JUMBO_HF_Bundle_T298_sk116380_FULL.tgz Failed
This package is not supported by current Deployment Agent build.
Please install CPUSE version 2127 or above to import the package.



Have you some information that could help me ?

0 Kudos

The update for CPUSE itself ist not installed the same way, you install a update package (like JHFA) over CPUSE.

To update CPUSE itself, use this command:

installer agent install /home/DeploymentAgent_000002205_1.tgz

There is also a special button in Gaia Webinterface to update the CPUSE Agent (Install DA), next to the normal button to import a CPUSE package (Import package).

0 Kudos



I've not this command available

> installer agent install /home/DeploymentAgent_000002205_1.tgz
CLINFR0329 Invalid command:'installer agent install /home/DeploymentAgent_000002205_1.tgz'.

TMGFWC01> installer agent
disable - Disable the Deployment agent service
enable - Enable the Deployment agent service
start - Start the Deployment agent process
stop - Stop the Deployment agent process
update - Update Deployment agent to a newer version

TMGFWC01> installer agent upd
TMGFWC01> installer agent update
TMGFWC01> installer agent update not-interactive /home/DeploymentAgent_000002205_1.tgz
CLINFR0329 Invalid command:'installer agent update not-interactive /home/DeploymentAgent_000002205_1.tgz'.


I've tried in Expert mode but I've not the command Installer at all with this privilege.

0 Kudos

My fault. I didn't thing of the age of your Gaia/CPUSE installation. Back in the days of this old version, the procedure was different and the way how to do it was removed from sk92499.

You will find the procedure in the posted solution of this CheckMates thread:

Please also read the comments below, there was a dash missing in the rpm command.


Thank you so much for this help, I've update CPUSE with your link and now I can install the jumbo package on management. (I did not use the point optionnal point 4 because of the Maintenance window required)
I've planned a new maintenance window tomorrow noon with:
-Upgrade CPUSE on the cluster of firewall
-Install the jumbo update on mgmr
-Install the jumbo update on firewall 1 & 2
-Renew ICA on mgmt only with the script that Checkpoint gave to me
-Renew defautlCert on cluster vith the smartConsole


Can you confirm that the ICA is only needed on management and not on the cluster of firewall (Firewall 1 & firewall 2)


0 Kudos

I'm not familiar with the ICA renewal process in detail (20 years not yet reached :)) and I have never seen this script from TAC myself. You have to follow the procedure, TAC gave you, or ask someone who did it in the past.

But one simple answer, I can give to you: The ICA is hosted on the management. The gateways use certificates issued by that ICA (at least for SIC, sometimes also for IPSec VPN or various web portals), but they do not host the ICA. Some Check Point admins also issue certificates to users from that ICA, so the scope can be even larger. In some cases you would need to rollout the new ICA cert to the affected clients trust stores.

If you are just using that ICA for the SIC of these one gateway cluster, your are fine after renewing ICA and reissuing gateways certs.

0 Kudos


The update was a success.
With the new command, I updated the CPUSE of the management and the 2 firewalls,
Installed the JumboPack on each of them, Management AND Firewall
Used the script that TAC gave me to update the ICA.
Updated the DefaultCert via the SmartConsole.

Thank you very much for your advice and help.


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