Hi Checkmates!
We have an issue with our management(MDS) when an Identity Awareness -blade is not disabled/removed before the gate is taken offline.
One of our gateways was taken offline. And all gates in our environment has IA-blade enabled for the sake of being able to handle network tags from AWS and Azure. (Data Center Objects).
But when a gate with IA is not responsive you get a time out in the round robin update of data center objects/tags
Checkpoint management server error:
03/05/21 11:16:27,565 ERROR datacenter.util.CommandExec [gateway-updater_<GATEWAYNAME>]: Command '[/opt/CPshrd-R80.40/bin/cprid_util, -server, <GW-IP>, putfile, -local_file, /opt/CPmds-R80.40/customers/cma2/CPsuite-R80.40/fw1/tmp/GATEWAYNAME_vsecUpdate.sh, -remote_file, /tmp/GATEWAYNAME_vsecUpdate.sh]' failed with code 3. Stdout=''. Stderr=''.
03/05/21 12:03:04,605 ERROR ida.api.IDACpridRequestSenderClient [gateway-updater_GATEWAYNAME]: Failure 1/5 to send script file to gateway ip: <GW-IP>
During the period the server tries to update this gateway, all other updates is at a standstill. So with our AWS environment that is constantly changing IP's the deploys etc get slowed down with about 1 minute every 60 sec. (def update interval.)
When like in this case a gate is offline and have IA activated. You can't simply uncheck the IA blade and install, since you can't install a offline GW. We have had other cases when gates is decommissioned and we missed to disable IA before it was shut down. Then we solved it; removing the cluster completely from the management.
Is there a solution to disable the blade on a Offline Gateway in the management config or a better workaround for this issue?