Whenever I've asked about whether SMT/Hyperthreading on an SMS/MDS will improve performance, the answer I've always gotten from Check Point is "it depends". According to them some workloads will improve and some will suffer with SMT enabled.
However given that an SMS is usually acting as a log server (and perhaps even implementing SmartEvent) there is going to be a lot of waiting around for disk I/O events which SMT would seem to jive nicely with, as in letting an execution thread that just blocked waiting for disk I/O relinquish the CPU thread for another nonblocked thread of execution that can jump on that processor.
But the real test is whether SMT is enabled by default on the Smart-1 appliances sold by Check Point. In every case when I have remembered to check the SMT status on a customer's Smart-1 SMS, SMT has always been enabled. However I haven't done this check recently and definitely not on the newer Smart-1's, so if anyone reading this has one of the following Smart-1 models could you please run the command cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/smt/active (proper command will be cat /proc/smt_status for Gaia 2.6.18) and post the result:
- Smart-1 600
- Smart-1 625
- Smart-1 6000
- Smart-1 6000 XL
My guess is SMT will be enabled on all of these by default, so SMT should probably be enabled on open hardware SMS's; there are no licensing limits for number of cores utilized on SMS/MDS's.
Attend my online "Be your Own TAC: Part Deux" CheckMates event
March 27th with sessions for both the EMEA and Americas time zones