Hi Kobi,
That certainly did. Many thanks for the tip, running the script provided in sk116335 allowed us to reconfigure SmartEvents and removed all duplicates.
To answer your earlier questions though:
We ran migrate_server to generate the advanced upgrade TGZ archive on all systems successfully (MDS primary, MDS standby, MDS log and Smart Event server). Stopped those VMs and installed R81 on new VMs with the same network settings, then ran the first time wizard as the appropriate role (MDS primary, MDS standby, MDS log and finally dedicated Smart Event server for the global domain). We then created a snapshot before installing licenses and running '$MDS_FWDIR/scripts/migrate_server verify -v R81', validating 'cpprod_util CPPROD_GetValue CPupgrade-tools-R81 BuildNumber 1' returned the then current '995000486'. We would then try to run migrate_server to restore the TGZ which worked for the MDS primary and Smart Event servers but failed thrice for the MDS standby and MDS log servers.
We subsequently reverted to snapshot, connected to MDS primary and removed each domain's standby management server instance and log instance, after which we removed the MDS servers. Then established SIC with the new MDS standby and MDS log server and re-created all domain server instances, connecting to each domain to update logging on the security gateways and installing policy on each one.
The problem was logged as 6-0002724907, should someone at Check Point wish to reproduce the problem in a lab to aid others pursuing an R81 upgrade in future.
David Herselman