Dear Check Mates,
Recently we started with the provisioning of virtual systems using the provisioning tool, because the Check Point API (version 1.3) does not support VSX/VSLS (yet). We have to provision 50+ virtual systems.
One of the features in R80.20 is Network defined by routes: it really works well (compared with the specific option). See screenshot.

Unfortunately, the Network defined by routes can't be configured using the vsx_provision_tool:
add interface vd <vd name>[name <physical or VLAN interface name>] [leads_to <Virtual Router|Virtual Switch>] [ip <ipv4 address>[/<ipv4 prefix>]] [netmask <IPv4 netmask>] [prefix <IPv4 prefix>]] [propagate <true|false>] [ip6 <ipv6 address>[/<ipv6 prefix>]] [netmask6 <IPv6 netmask>] [prefix6 <IPv6 prefix>]] [propagate6 <true|false>] [topology <external|internal_undefined|internal_this_network|internal_specific>] specific_group <group name>]] [mtu MTU]
We have to update the topology settings for 50+ virtual systems. A cumbersome task that can easily take two hours, which only is rewarding when you are paid per hour!
Hence: automation/orchestration becomes a manual tasks.
We would appreciate if Check Point can add the following features to its next release of R80:
- Update the vsx_provisioning_tool (can be done rather quickly)
- Full API support for VSX/VSLS; at the moment there are too many repetitive tasks that have to be done manually. In reality you don't want to use the vsx_provisioning_tool but tools like Ansible.
Many thanks.
Kind regards,