Hi all,
I'm writing this post just to share my experience in case someone else have the same issue.
We were upgrading from R80.20 to R81.10
After new package was downloaded, we have issues with upgrade verification:

There were no locked objects that can be seen from SmartConsole:

With TAC help we had to identify and delete it
Identify it:
#psql_client cpm postgres -c "select objid from locknonos;"
The result:
[Expert@CPMGMT:0]# psql_client cpm postgres -c "select objid from locknonos;" objid
(1 row)
Detete it:
psql_client cpm postgres -c "delete from locknonos where objid='objid-from previous command';"
The result:
[Expert@CPMGMT:0]# psql_client cpm postgres -c "delete from locknonos where objid='f78909c0-6cef-43c3-974a-cb9f99b455bc';"
After that we just install policy and everything was fine.