I ran into a similar issue and followed the steps recommended in this thread. I was replacing old UTM-1 Edge gateway objects with Interop-devices after disconnecting them from smart-center. Suddenly I wasn't allowed to publish and nothing in validations pane. Only 14 changes so not much.
Tailed the cpm.elg:
11/07/19 12:52:19,566 INFO coresvc.internal.WorkSessionMgmtSvcImpl [taskExecutor-59]: sending async publish in progress 10 notification for liveId e199f45c-27d0-40b3-8f0e-802d27e3ea94.
11/07/19 12:52:19,566 INFO coresvc.ngm_api.AsyncPublish [taskExecutor-59]: publish progress liveId(e199f45c-27d0-40b3-8f0e-802d27e3ea94) progress(10) message()
11/07/19 12:52:19,566 INFO coresvc.internal.WorkSessionMgmtSvcImpl [taskExecutor-59]: publish: publishing domain 41e821a0-3720-11e3-aa6e-0800200c9fde session: bQZr0Ity9LAANh04nOwuPuFJo8VdeVliB9BK0bjc1Wo...
11/07/19 12:52:19,567 INFO coresvc.internal.WorkSessionMgmtSvcImpl [taskExecutor-59]: publish(startNewSession=true, asyncPublish=com.checkpoint.management.web_services.dleserver.internal.WorkSessionMgmtSvcRemoteImpl$2@b44b64df, force=false, lastSessionToPublish=true)
11/07/19 12:52:19,568 INFO coresvc.internal.WorkSessionMgmtSvcImpl [taskExecutor-59]: Test is domain a CP data domain: 41e821a0-3720-11e3-aa6e-0800200c9fde false
11/07/19 12:52:19,568 INFO coresvc.internal.WorkSessionMgmtSvcImpl [taskExecutor-59]: Session description enforcement is relevant for domain: 41e821a0-3720-11e3-aa6e-0800200c9fde
11/07/19 12:52:19,593 WARN INACTIVE_TRANSACTIONS [taskExecutor-59]: Transaction is ended with no actual database access. see /opt/CPsuite-R80.20/fw1/log/inactive-tx.elg for details
Checking /opt/CPsuite-R80.20/fw1/log/inactive-tx.elg gave nothing. Only older entries.
Then by publishing the changes one-by-one I got through withut errors. Continuing on to the next one.
When I added the interoperable device to the VPN community (in the interop object) and klicked OK I get the following two:
"Failed to save object <vpn-gw-name>.
A blocking validation error was found: You must select at least one gateway to set permanent tunnels with its peer gateways"
Click OK and the next one comes:
"The current changes to object <vpn-gw-name> parameters are invalid and therefore will be discarded"
In effect that removed the newly added interoperable device from the community. After I re-add it and publish no problems.
Here I rebooted the mgmt-server and went on with the next. Again same error.
So I have a workaround where I just re-add the object, but I cannot figure out why it started. I've done about five conversions to interoperable devices prior to this happening only today.
Background reason to conversion: We have a legacy with a large pool of Edge boxes installed some five-six years ago and now the policy has grown too large for them to accept it. They just crash if you install it on them. So by converting them to non-managed we can exempt them from the current policy and get some breathing space until they are replaced.