Morning Sorry for the dealy, we had to postponed this project to next week...
R80.10 has been chosed regarding the lacke of memory Under our Gateways ( only 4 Gb ) and no budget right now to upgrade them before the next quarter. But as we need a support available from checkpoint I would like to upgrade our exisiting environnement to R80.10.
as I said :
2 appliances SMART-1 3150 (64 Mb )
Network Policy manager / enpoint policy management / logging and status / monitoring / maanagament portal / samartevent server / smart event correlation Unit
3 Theart emulation TE 250X
29 Gateway cluster
What I already did:
1, Backup of my smart-13150
2, snapshot of my smart-1 3150
3, backup of logs of smart-1 3150
4, save configuration of smart-1 3150
5, pre-upgrade verification done
6, export Database
7, download and verify of "R80.10 fresh install and Upgrade from r7X" under all equipment.
8, install smartdash under r80.10 under a new server
My next steps for the upgrade will be :
1, disconnect SIC from smart-1 3150 cluster XL
2, upgrade "Standby" node, check if i'm still able to have access to the gui of the appliance and add it under smart dash.
the goal is to keep my master under r77.30 in case of issue during the upgrade.
3, if ok upgrade of the second smart-1 3150 appliance
4, add second applaince under smartdashboard
5, enable again sic between bothn appliances.
6, push policy to connect all gateways.
7, upgrade Theart emulation boxes
8, upgrade one Gateway cluster for test.
Thanks to confirm if my process looks good !
Many thanks for your support