HI CheckMates gurus
Has anyone any information about the error message I get when trying to connect to a SMS recently upgraded to R80.10 + Jumbo HF 103? Connectivity works fine from several systems on the customer LAN (although we couldn't install the native SmartConsole R80.10 build 042, due to some weird AV behavior and had to go with the Portable version instead...
I get the error in the attached screenshot when attempting to connect from a remote system installed by our Group IT team on a Windows 2008 R2 Standard server (no Citrix or MS Terminal Services involved)
Could the error be caused by the take / build of the SmartConsole package installed on the server or there might me other factor involved?
Tcpdump executed on the SMS for port 19009 shows the 3-way TCP handshake being performed correctly and then the client resets the connection (so this is not the behavior described in sk122073...
Thanks in advance for any hints...