Just finished to import my policy and configuration from R77.10 to a new Management R80.10.
Some uniqueness name errors apeared and all of them could be solved until this one:
One of the node names in the Checkpoint FW object is "fw1" like the service "FW1" (port 256), neither of them allow me to change his names.
Service it seems to be read only ... and I suspect that changing node name isnt an option in the Management.
There is a way to solve this?
UPDATE: As described in sk40179 FW1 or fw1 are reserved names... 
The solution is to change the cluster node object resetting the SIC.
I'm thinking to change predefined service name FW1 using some advice about it?
dbedit> print services FW1
Object Name: FW1
Object UID: {97AEB388-9AEA-11D5-BD16-0090272CCB30}
Class Name: tcp_service
Table Name: services
Last Modified by: System
Last Modified from: localhost
Last Modification time: Mon May 7 13:03:06 2018
Fields Details
aggressive_aging_timeout: 600
color: firebrick
comments: Check Point Security Gateway Service
default_aggressive_aging_timeout: 0
delayed_sync_value: 30
enable_aggressive_aging: true
enable_tcp_resource: false
etm_enabled: false
has_detect: false
include_in_any: true
inspect_streaming: NULL
is_default_aggressive_timeout: true
port: 256
prohibit_aggressive_aging: false
proto_type: NULL
reload_proof: false
service_port_type: customize
spoofed_rst_detect: true
sync_on_cluster: true
timeout: 3600
type: Tcp
unified_streaming: NULL
updated_by_sd: false
use_default_session_timeout: true
use_delayed_sync: false