The Management API "put-file" command allows uploading a file to a management server or a gateway.
If you run this API command using a mgmt_cli tool, you may use a new "--treat-value-as-file-by-prefix" flag, which will replace the value of file-content argument with the content of a file on your machine.
Here is an example using the standard syntax -
mgmt_cli put-file file-path "/home/admin/" file-name "vsx_conf" file-content "vs ip\nvs2 ip" targets.1 "corporate-gateway"
Here is an example using the new syntax -
mgmt_cli put-file file-path "/home/admin/" file-name "vsx_conf" file-content @my_file.txt --treat-value-as-file-by-prefix @ targets.1 "corporate-gateway"
while the content of the file my_file.txt will be "vs ip\nvs2 ip".
The new flag informs the mgmt_cli tool that an argument file-content with a value my_file.txt starting with a '@' character, should have a new value - the content of my_file.txt file.
You may use any prefix of any length for this flag.
If the file is not located in the current directory, you should specify an absolute path.