Hello Everybody,
I am having a problem with one of the SMS that is running in the HA Mgmt Cluster.
version: Gaia R80.30 in Open Server
The Primary SMS has lost connection with the rest of the devices.
Error description:
Installation failed. Reason: Authentication error [SIC error no. 147].
Full description in the screenshot.

Then I manually switched Mgmt to the one which was previously Secondary by an SSH expert.
Currently, in Smart Console, I see this status (screenshot). I can log into the affected mgmt but in read-only mode.

There are several SKs concerning this error e.g:
It requires rewiring the broken SMS as Primary. But there are concerns that I will lose control of the rest of the working devices.
In logs I also found this information (screenshot):

Currently, the role of the main SMS is taken over by the second MGMT (I can manage and install policies on Firewalls)
- If I disconnect Cluster MGMT HA and make fresh Gaia install on the broken device will all licenses be transferred after restarting Cluster?
- Will the currently working SMS still be able to communicate with the rest of the devices after disconnecting the Cluster?
- Do you have any ideas on the safest way to fix this?
All the Best,