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Pre-requisites for SMS to MDS Migration ?

Hello Experts, 

I`m planning to perform an SMS to MDS Migration.  Both SMS  and MDS are on R81.10.  What are the pre-requisites that need to be followed in terms of 

1. Memory - ?

2. No. of cores - ?

3.  Hard Disk.  --  I looked at 'Installation & Upgrade Guide R81.10 ' and it says we need atleast 5 times size of sms export file on MDS.  So on MDS which part of the file system we need at least 5 times ? Is it referring to  /var/log ? or  / or /boot or /dev/shm ?

Appreciate your responses!


Below are the customer specs :

 MDS Hardware Specifications:

Memory – 32 GB

Cores – 16

Hard Disk -3 TB(95% used-var/log)

SMS Hardware Specifications:

Memory – 16 GB

Cores - 12

Hard Disk – 530 GB(85% used-var/log)


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3 Replies
Legend Legend

That is referring to the system partition / 

By default, migrate_server will not keep the old logs or indices if not specified using 

         '-l'                           Export/import logs without log indexes.

         '-x'                           Export/import logs with log indexes.

Note: Only closed logs are exported/imported.

CCSE / CCTE / CCME / CCSM Elite / SMB Specialist
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@G_W_Albrecht  So just to conform you are referring to below right ? 

[Expert@test:0]# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on 
/dev/mapper/vg_splat-lv_current 32G 7.3G 25G 23% /
/dev/md0 291M 79M 198M 29% /boot
tmpfs 32G 5.4M 32G 1% /dev/shm
/dev/mapper/vg_splat-lv_log 150G 15G 136G 10% /var/log


Secondly, does below need to be changed on MDS ? 

1. Memory - ?

2. No. of cores - ?


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Legend Legend

Most customers using MDS deploy on VM - this is great for backup purposes and you can change CPU, RAM and HD space as needed. But if you want to use the current MDS HW mentioned above, i would look into past performance figures of current number of domains and estimate how many percent load will be higher when adding another domain.

sk104848 gives:  For Multi-Domain Security Management Server, plan to allocate 6 GB for the base installation plus 2 GB for each additional Domain. Consider reserving 50% of the memory allocated and consider increasing the Virtual Machine's resource shares allocation.

16 Cores should be alright...

CCSE / CCTE / CCME / CCSM Elite / SMB Specialist
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