Well, here is the situation:
It is a flat policy with Access Control and URLF blades enabled.
Highlighted rule and corresponding log entries are shown:

Note that the bottom two sessions do contain the destination URL in description fields. The top session has it present in the "Resource" field. The other log entries, however, do not have any reference to the actual destination, just the connection to the proxy.
Id: 0a32320b-f112-0000-59da-834000000000
Marker: @A@@B@1507435200@C@202615
Log Server Origin:
Time: 2017-10-08T19:57:52Z
Interface Direction: inbound
Interface Name: eth2
Connection Direction: Outgoing
Id Generated By Indexer: false
First: false
Sequencenum: 1
Hll Key: 12212875363894272126
Duration: 2100
Last Update Time: 2017-10-08T20:27:09Z
Update Count: 5
Connections: 5
Aggregated Log Count: 8
Creation Time: 2017-10-08T19:57:52Z
Destination Port: 8080
IP Protocol: 6
Client Type Os: Unknown
Client Type: Other: Wget/1.18 (linux-gnu)
User Agent: Other: Wget/1.18 (linux-gnu)
Service ID: HTTP_proxy
Source Zone: Internal
Destination Zone: Local
Application ID: 1073741826
Application Signature ID:1073741826:1
Packets: 110
Total Bytes: 55716
Client Inbound Packets: 44
Client Outbound Packets: 66
Server Inbound Packets: 0
Server Outbound Packets: 0
Client Inbound Bytes: 4520
Client Outbound Bytes: 51196
Server Inbound Bytes: 0
Server Outbound Bytes: 0
URLs: 4
Lastupdatetime: 2017-10-08T20:31:53Z
Action: Accept
Type: Session
Policy Name: Cluster01_Access_Contro_Policy
Policy Management: SMS8010
Db Tag: {B6D1D4A1-9A46-9B48-828B-68AF4720FDDF}
Policy Date: 2017-10-08T19:56:14Z
Blade: Application Control
Origin: Member_A
Service: TCP/8080
Product Family: Access
Received Bytes: 0
Sent Bytes: 0
Logid: 320
Application Name: GOOGLE
Application Description: Google_Main_URL
Primary Category: Custom Application/Site
Matched Category: Custom Application/Site
Additional Categories: Custom Application/Site, Medium Risk
Application Risk: Medium
Resource: https://www.google.com:443
Access Rule Number: 3
Rule UID: 882a57a2-ca32-4c60-8c36-0189f019eec5
Layer Name: Cluster01_Access_Contro_Policy Network
Interface: eth2
Description: HTTP_proxy Traffic Accepted from to GOOGLE(
Bytes (sent\received): 54.4 KB (0 B \ 0 B)
Connection (note the session tab):

Session tab of connection:

Search query returning only sessions:

And the logging for the rule configured:

With "per Session" automatically selected.
So if the session is a long-lived and I am troubleshooting the connection now, it is difficult to match real-time traffic to the destination.
If same host has multiple sessions going through the proxy, the connections cannot be differentiated.