Thank you for a quick confirmation of a bug!
I am supposed to give a client demo of the remote access capabilities tomorrow and was going through a dry run in my lab environment to brush-up on it in R80.10.
Otherwise, with this:

I may be able to demo SecuRemote and EndPoint Security VPN client.
The SNX and Portal being greyed-out in the UI does seem abnormal too:

Additionally, when attempting to install SNX using IE11 to avoid Java compatibility issues, I am seeing this:

Installation seem to run, but the agent never comes online:

I am running test from Windows 10 Pro, so may be it is not supported by SNX, but the absence of error messages or warnings regarding that do not bode well for client's satisfaction.
Attempted to run the Java applet as well:

With no indications of progress or failure after clicking "Run".
Have bumped in to this: Mobile Access Portal and Java Compatibility - New Mobile Access Portal Agent technology
But am not sure if it is rolled out or not yet in built 421.
When attempting to start SNX from Chrome and being prompted with:

Downloaded CheckPointMobileAgent.msi file, when executed, pops open the page: User is redirected to the page "You need to install Java to use the Mobile Access Agent" during the ...
So I am not certain what remote access solutions out of all the innumerable options I should be showcasing to the client tomorrow.
I'd be happy to hear your suggestions.