Hi everyone,
I have 2 firewall 12600 (R77.30) running Full-HA (Active-Active,30-70) and one Smart-1 205 (R77.30) running as log server.
Lately the cluster facing some error with DB and cannot install policy. The TAC Engineer was said that i might have to re-install the firewall. Because of that, i was re-install the Smart-1 205 devices and configure it as Security Management Server. Then i will use upgrade tool to export policy and network object in the Cluster Full-HA firewall then import to Smart-1 205. After that, i will re-install 2 firewall 12600 and add it to Smart-1 205. It will be Distributed deployment and not Full-HA anymore. Everything look great, i can export rule and object from the firewall by using this command
./migrate export Policy.tgz
Then i transfer the files to Smart-1 205. But when i run the command :
./migrate import Policy.tgz
It show me this error :
Import of primary database into secondary database or secondary database into primary database is not supported
I do some searching and see that i can trick the role of device by using this command :
cpprod_util FwSetPrimary 1
Then the new error come up :
Database migration between Standalone and Management only machines is not supported
With this error i don't know what to do next anymore. Does it really no other way and i have to re-create the rule manually ? Please help advice! Thanks
And one more things with the Smart-1 205, some how after re-install it don't have the Firewall tab ? I really not use R77.30 much, do i have to enable it somewhere ?