Good afternoon,
We're in the early stages of decommissioning / merging 2 (small) datacenters into 1. We'd like to decommission 1 of the CP HA clusters and move all networks/rules/NAT/VLAN, etc onto the remaining CP HA cluster.
Has anyone done anything like this or have any advice they'd like to offer?
Items we have already considered:
-Turn down VLANs/networks on to-be-decommissioned cluster, bring up on other. (In GAIA)
-Document topology of to-be-decommissioned cluster to apply it to remaining cluster in next step.
-Pull/Update topology on remaining cluster (SmartDashboard)
-Ensure VLANs are built into switching infrastructure to handle both datacenter VLANs
-Modify NATs to install on the remaining cluster vs the cluster that is going away.
-Move static routes to remaining cluster
Is there a way to script the turn-up of new interfaces/VLANs on the remaining cluster to minimize downtime of the datacenter equipment that is having its cluster decommissioned?