I have an SMS with only inline layers in the Access policies and no ordered layer and with the show-x-layers I see them all in the JSON output with show-x-layers.
[Expert@SomeSMS:0]# ACL=$(mgmt_cli -r true show-access-layers -f json | jq -r '.total');TPL=$(mgmt_cli -r true show-threat-layers -f json | jq -r '.total');HIL=$(mgmt_cli -r true show-https-layers -f json | jq -r '.total');echo "$ACL Access layers, $TPL Threat Prevention layers, $HIL HTTPS Inspection layers. "; echo -e "Total $(expr $ACL + $TPL + $HIL)"
41 Access layers, 8 Threat Prevention layers, 1 HTTPS Inspection layers.
Total 50