Hello team,
recently we stumbled over three issues on three totaly independet customer who run into this issue:
The MGMT server stopps to execute all kind of Check Point commands.
only "cpwd_admin list" worked and showed all processes as "E" not "T".
Even "reboot" or "init6" stop to work.
only a power cycle via VmWare or similar is possible to regain control.
if the MGMT is down, the Check Point CA is down, which is very unheathly for all VPN tunnels from the same MGMT based on certificates.
"invalid certificate" messages are then shown in the log.
cpm.elg says:
08/06/24 08:09:44,534 ERROR tracker.dataLog.TrackerDataSenderSvcImp [taskExecutor-31]: AuditLogsToTrackerSender: Unable to connect fwm (down), Exception: Could not receive Message.
and it throws a ton on java errors in cpm.elg.
we saw this on three different customers, all on R81.20 HFA 53/65
and yes there is that sk:
it did not work for me to kill "autoupdater" ...
anybody noticed the same?
we have two CP cases ongoing!
best regards