Sometimes when we get a threat coming in via e-mail, we only see logs from the MTA and Anti-spam/anti-bot blades, even when these e-mails contain links and attachments. Fortunately our secondary anti spam and malware appliance is able to detect and block these.
I would expect because of the attachments and links, this traffic would get processed by threat emulation and threat extraction. I see t he MT A has flagged it as a threat with 1 link and 1 attachment, but no forensics.
I find that I'll still see threat emulation logs for e-mail attachments, not sure why I don't see them in some cases.
the MTA log doesnt show the file name, and looking at threat emulation and extraction logs around the same time frame comes up with no related results.
Is this normal behavior, and I'm just not understanding the blades correctly?