Hello Xavier. Thanks for replying so soon. I've tried to do that, but I can't see traffic on the MGMT console. This is the context:
| StandAloneGW1470| --------------logs-------------------> |R.80 MGMT with integrated Smart Event|
(Local policies, not managed) (Use this only to see logs and run some Analysis with Smart Event)
There are two options on the SAGW1470 when configuring External Log Servers:
CheckPoint Log Server.
Syslog Servers.
I already have set a regular syslog server up and it receives logs from the stand alone box.
Now, I've tried both options to set the Checkpoint MGMT Console IP Address.
With the first one, sic and password are required. But it's not configured because the GW is not managed by the MGMT CHKP server.
With the second option, I set the IP address IP of the MGMT CHKP server, 514, but no logs appear on Smart View Tracker o Smart Event tab...