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Issue with Retrieving All Rules via Check Point API

Hi team,

I am currently working on a script to retrieve all access rules from a Check Point management server using the Check Point API. However, I am encountering an issue where not all rules are being fetched.

Here are the details of the problem:

API Endpoint: /show-access-rulebase
Expected Total Rules: 2566
Retrieved Total Rules: 302
Script Behavior: The script fetches rules in batches of 50 using offsets. Initially, it retrieves some rules, but many offsets return zero rules, and the total retrieved rules are far less than expected.
Example Log Output:
Available access layers:
1. Network (1 rules)
2. Network (2566 rules)
Choose an access layer by entering the corresponding number: 2
2024-07-25 18:54:42,440 - DEBUG - Fetching rules with offset: 0
2024-07-25 18:54:42,768 - DEBUG - Fetched 9 rules for offset 0
2024-07-25 18:54:43,839 - DEBUG - Fetched 1 rules for offset 650
2024-07-25 18:54:47,818 - DEBUG - Fetched 0 rules for offset 2600
2024-07-25 18:54:49,506 - DEBUG - Fetched 0 rules for offset 3950
2024-07-25 18:54:49,508 - DEBUG - Total rules fetched: 302

What I Have Tried:
Thread Pooling: Using a ThreadPoolExecutor with max_workers=10 to fetch rules concurrently.
Retry Mechanism: Implemented retries for offsets that return zero rules.
Logging: Added extensive logging to track which offsets return rules and which do not.

Script Snippet:
Copy code
def get_all_rules(api_url, sid, layer_id):
rules_endpoint = f"{api_url}/show-access-rulebase"
headers = {
"X-chkp-sid": sid,
"Content-Type": "application/json"
payload = {
"uid": layer_id,
"limit": 50
rules = []

def fetch_rules(offset):
local_payload = payload.copy()
local_payload["offset"] = offset
logging.debug(f'Fetching rules with offset: {offset}')
response =, headers=headers, json=local_payload, verify=False)
data = response.json()
fetched_rules = data.get("rulebase", [])
logging.debug(f'Fetched {len(fetched_rules)} rules for offset {offset}')
return fetched_rules
except Exception as exc:
logging.error(f'Error fetching rules at offset {offset}: {exc}')
return []

offset = 0
retries = 3 # Number of retries for each offset
while True:
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=20) as executor:
futures = {executor.submit(fetch_rules, offset + i * 50): offset + i * 50 for i in range(20)}
fetched_any = False
for future in as_completed(futures):
data = future.result()
if data:
fetched_any = True
print_progress_bar(len(rules), 2566) # Estimation de la progression
except Exception as exc:
logging.error(f'Generated an exception: {exc}')
if not fetched_any:
retries -= 1
if retries <= 0:
retries = 3 # Reset retries if any data was fetched
offset += 1000 # Move to the next set of offsets

print() # To move to the next line after the progress bar is complete

# Ensure all rules are retrieved
rules = sorted(rules, key=lambda r: r.get("rule-number", 0))
logging.debug(f'Total rules fetched: {len(rules)}')
return rules

Are there known limitations or configurations on the API that could cause it to return zero rules for certain offsets?

Is there a recommended best practice for handling large datasets of rules through the Check Point API?

Could there be specific filters or conditions that I need to apply to ensure all rules are fetched?

Any insights or suggestions from the community would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your help!

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2 Replies

What version/JHF is the management?
What hardware is it running on and how much memory?
Note that every API call returns a limited number of results by design (thus the limit/offset parameters).
While you can specify a higher limit than supported in the API call, this is not guaranteed to work.

Assuming you're just doing this 50 rules at a time, you shouldn't be running into issues.
Possible this is memory related (e.g. )

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Leader Leader

You can find some performance tips here:

Namely, enter the last published session when reading data to avoid management overhead and be mindful of 3 logins per minute.

Maybe increase the limit to fetch more data in fewer calls could be worth exploring.

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