SMS R81.10 Take 81.
The audit log is filled with Incident Viewed entries by WEB_API.
There's no DLP or 3rd-party API connecting to the SMS, but SmartEvent is active.
The closest WEB_API information I found is sk179685 but it's not matching these events.
Here's an example of log. Is there somewhere a description of this activity?
Time: 2023-01-12T18:00:40Z
Id: 0a16fa71-c926-bc13-63c0-4ac866e50000
Sequencenum: 1
Operation: Incident Viewed
Administrator: WEB_API
Subject: Logging
General Information: Administrator: WEB_API; Incident: time1673544661.id2<xxxx>.blade02; gateway: <name_of_gateway>
Operation Number: 58
Client IP:
Type: Audit
Application: WEB_API
Origin: <SMS_NAME>
Product Family: Network
Marker: @A@@B@1673478001@C@178
Log Server Origin: <SMS_IP>
Origin Log Server IP: <SMS_IP>
Severity: Informational
Stored: true