Yes. This is the output from your instructions. This sessions seem more stubborn than yours 
[Expert@cpmng:0]# mgmt_cli login -r true > id.txt
[Expert@cpmng:0]# mgmt_cli discard uid a7d33529-3395-4909-8efb-a14a0e9faa44 -s id.txt
number-of-discarded-changes: 1
message: "OK"
[Expert@cpmng:0]# mgmt_cli publish -s id.txt
Time: [12:34:00] 1/2/2019
"Publish operation" succeeded (100%)
- task-id: "01234567-89ab-cdef-9b1f-7bface479470"
task-name: "Publish operation"
status: "succeeded"
progress-percentage: 100
suppressed: false
- publishResponse:
numberOfPublishedChanges: 0
mode: "async"
revision: "cd937101-8815-4217-8e8c-6d1bcb2cb923"
[Expert@cpmng:0]# mgmt_cli discard uid 4a12186c-4a08-41a3-bee8-f7b0d4a19681 -s id.txt
number-of-discarded-changes: 1
message: "OK"
[Expert@cpmng:0]# mgmt_cli publish -s id.txt
Time: [12:34:39] 1/2/2019
"Publish operation" succeeded (100%)
- task-id: "01234567-89ab-cdef-aa5d-d2f98d49e35a"
task-name: "Publish operation"
status: "succeeded"
progress-percentage: 100
suppressed: false
- publishResponse:
numberOfPublishedChanges: 0
mode: "async"
revision: "cd9d34fb-be89-4089-8c43-789f0164911c"
[Expert@cpmng:0]# mgmt_cli logout -s id.txt
message: "OK"
[Expert@cpmng:0]# psql_client cpm postgres -c "select applicationname,objid,creator,state,numberoflocks,numberofoperations,creationtime,lastmodifytime from worksession where state = 'OPEN' and (numberoflocks != '0' or numberofoperations != '0');"
applicationname | objid | creator | state | numberoflocks | numberofoperations | creationtime | lastmodifytime
WEB_API | 4a12186c-4a08-41a3-bee8-f7b0d4a19681 | api-time | OPEN | 1 | 1 | 2019-02-01 09:33:18.195 | 2019-02-01 12:34:38.525
WEB_API | a7d33529-3395-4909-8efb-a14a0e9faa44 | api-time | OPEN | 1 | 1 | 2019-02-01 09:38:53.69 | 2019-02-01 12:34:38.107
(2 rows)